Your heart used to give me rhymes
I miss you when you were mine…
And there was no cloud to hide the sun…
Well, not that I remember !
Nothing compared to what you’ve done,
Oh, sweet boy, sweet pretender…

Your heart used to give me smiles,
Your arms used to hold me tight…
Maybe I don’t really miss you, deep inside,
Maybe it’s just something on my mind…
But, all I know about these “maybes”
Is that they all only means “mistakes”.

Your eyes used to be my guides,
I didn’t know, but I married you, sometime,
It was a marriage with no love…
Your hands don’t hold me anymore,
There’s nothing here to break my fall,
As I see you don’t care at all…


  1. Oh como você consegue escrever um poema assim tão significativo ainda mais em inglês?... estou procurando um adjetivo bom o bastaste pra elogiar...:)

  2. Isso não é sobre a minha falta de aparição, não né??
    "I didn’t know, but I married you, sometime"
    Se for, saiba que eu ficaria mto triste de ler algo assim!
    Como eu tenho quase certeza que não é, perdoe minha pretensão!


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