I lost the ground under my feet
When I heard he crying for me
Now I’m here and I feel so mean
Now I’m here and I feel so incomplete
I lost my secret…

I wish I could have him by my side
Wish they could know this love’s size
Wish I could stop the tears if he cries
Wish I could go back at time
And realize…

That he could not be my guy,
He would never be mine !

After this all I can’t take this pain
I know it will never be the same
“I’ll never be in love again”
Those were the lasts words he said…
I’m so ashamed…

This emptiness makes me so weak
There’s a hole growing inside of me
If I ask you, could you kill me ?
‘Cause alone I could never do it,
I can’t forget him…

And while I don’t, I can’t live…
But I will never forget him !


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