Uh !

   Cuz sometimes you say “yes”, then you come back and say “no”…
   You guys think you can go away, and come back when you want to ? Fuck ya.
   For all the times you made us wait, and all those lies you made us believe, we have a big “Fuck You” to give to you, and we hope you enjoy it.

   My dear.. Who do you think you are for doing this to me ? You were gone, you were dead, so why the hell did you come back ? Did you think that it would be ok ? Do you think you have the right of come and go from my life when you want ?
   Fine… I waited for you, during a time. I waited, I swear. But who was I waiting for ? I wasn’t sure even if I existed, how could I be sure of you ? Why would I wait for a dream to sprout from the ground and make me happy ? I gave up. Just like always.
   Hurted and only I can know how much.
   Anyway, you don’t care about it, do you ?
   I didn’t even remembered your name. Your face. Your country, boy. I was ok. Why did you come back ? Why, if you never felt like me about us ? If you were never willing to fulfill your promises ? All I was to you can be summed up on “nothing at all”, why the hell you came back ? Why upsetting me if you don’t give a shit ? Why don’t you just shut up and keep on living your life, quite away from me ? Hum !?
   I’ll ignore… Everything. And turn on the “fuck it up”.


  1. Pois é amor... E quando a gente pensa que acabou e que estamos livres, acontece uma merda dessas, ¬¬!
    Aliás, seu texto tem super a ver com o que anda acontecendo (e parece que até isso temos que compartilhar, já que aconteceu com ambas) esses dias e é muito original e bem realista também! Adoro ler essas coisas no fim do dia, quando me sinto sozinha e não sei o que fazer no facebook!
    Aliás, promessa é dívida para a Lika, e eu prometi que ia comentar quando estivesse no meu pc! Ta aí. Te amo!


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